Our Missionary Families
Gary Ashley
The Ashley Family has set forth a course to evangelize people, enlist disciples, educate believers, establish churches, edify saints, and equip leaders on the field of Puerto Rico.
Puerto Rico
Bill and Marley Behrens
Dr. Behrens has been called a "Pastor's Evangelist." His desire has not only been to be a blessing to the people, but also an encouragement to the preacher and his family.
With his strong Bible teaching, and practical application of the Word of God to the lives of Christians, God has been able to use him in a very unique way in hundreds of churches across America.
Independent Baptist Church Ministry
Bill and Cindy Bowen
Bill Currently oversees IPM's partnership with local churches throughout the U.S. to promote their involvement with national missionaries in Africa, Asia, North America, and South America.
International Partnership Ministries
Lonnie and Georgine Brooks
Skilled Missionaries Offering Relief Services
The Corleys
The Corleys have been missionaries to the Navajo Indians since 1960. They came to the Navajo reservation in New Mexico with a heart to share the Lord Jesus Christ with the Navajo. The Navajo are the largest Indian tribe in the United States. They call themselves the "Dine" which means "the People."
Missionaries to the Navajo
Rick and Srichand Horn
Rick Horn was called to the mission field of Thailand in April of 1991. Rick and Srichand have been serving in Thailand for sixteen years. As of 2007, their ministry has started 10 churches and a children's home with ninety young people, ages five to twenty-one. In recent years, the Horns have started a Bible Institute with twenty surrendered to full-time service.
Missionaries to Thailand
Dale and JoAnn Loftis
Dale and JoAnn are now in their late seventies and have retired to the Land O' Lakes, FL area. Dale still serves in their local church and plays trumpet for the services. JoAnn continues to serve in the church choir.
Retired Missionaries to Australia
Ken and June Love
The burden of the Loves is to reseed America with new churches. This ministry involves assisting and strengthening the local church.
Church Planting in the United States
Mike and Ruth Morrissey
"Mike and Ruth Morrissey, along with their children, Elizabeth, Michael, and Andrew, are church-planting missionaries in Dapitan City, Philippines."
Missionaries to the Philipines
Tom and Peggy Rickard
The Rickards work in various churches throughout the summer conducting vibrant Vacation Bible School programs for both children and teens During the remainder of the year, the Rickards are busy doing church helps in construction, evangelism, preaching, and other helps.
Baptist Church Ministries
Darrell and Crystal Roe
The Roe family is in Arizona and engaged in the ministry of church planting.
Church Planters
Howard Rothenberg
The Rothenberg's ministry is reaching the Jews in South Florida.
Missionaries to the Jews
Terry and Sarah Rushing
The Rushings are serving the Lord full-time with Wings as Eagles Mission Air Service, a ministry of their home church, Wyldewood Baptist Church in Oshkosh, WI. The Lord led this family through teachers, pastors, books, desires, training, and employment. They have sought to be used of the Lord and pray that they would always be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading.
Wings as Eagles Mission Air Service
Walt and Jackie Schmidt
Furlough Replacement
Travis Sharpe
We are a multifaceted ministry dedicated to helping the unsheltered homeless population around the world. For the most part, these are the homeless people who do not use shelters or have no access to shelters. We have staff and teams that minister to them each week as well as provide training and resources for other homeless ministries. We are committed to developing materials and resources to be used in ministry targeting this group of the homeless.
Missionaries to the Homeless
Chuck and Cindy Teel
Chuck and Cindy are missionaries to the single soldiers of Baumholder, Germany. They are sent through Trinity Baptist Church in Bradenton, FL, through Baptist Missions to Forgotten People. They have been serving in Germany since March, 2008.
Missionaries to the Military in Germany
Dave Turner
Gulf Coast Prison Ministries has been conducting revivals in America's prison system since 1987. At present, there are two full-time revival teams conducting approximately fifty meetings per year in eighteen states. These evangelists minister in state prisons and county jails near their homes when they are not in prison revivals elsewhere.
Gulf Coast Prison Ministry
Ron White
Ron travels the world on a regular basis assisting missionaries and keeping local churches apprised on what is happening on foreign fields. His deep burden for the ministry of missionaries and their families in evident as he shares updates and prayer requests during his time at home.
Missionary to Location
George and Barbara Zarris
Bro. George was a pastor for many years. Through God's leading, George and Barbara saw the potential of radio and TV to reach masses of people. He resigned his church to enter this mass media ministry.
Radio and Media Missions
Christian Law Association
The Christian Law Association is a "ministry of legal helps." Its purpose is to provide free legal assistance to Bible-believing churches and Christians who are experiencing legal difficulty in practicing their religious faith because of governmental regulation, intrusion, or prohibition of one form or another.
Since 1969, the number of legal attacks on ministries has exploded. CLA receives in excess of 100,000 phone calls annually, not counting the thousands of pieces of correspondence from those who are in some way faint legal difficulties for doing what the Bible commands. These cases involve Christians arrested for witnessing to others in public, public school students being told they do not have the right to read their Bibles at school, churches being excluded from communities, Christians being fired for sharing their faith at work, and thousands of other assaults on our precious religious freedoms.
The CLA exists to preserve Christian liberty for future generations.
Seminole, FL
Good Shepherd Children's Home
The purpose is three-fold:
1. To provide a godly Christian home for needy boys and girls.
2. To win boys and girls to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
3. To teach and train boys and girls to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We purpose to cultivate a love for the Bible and a walk with the Lord. Our goal is to develop the whole child.
Children's Home Ministry
Hope Children's Home
Founded in 1968, Hope Children's Home has rescued nearly 5,000 children between the ages of two and eighteen. Most of these children have been discarded, abused, unwanted, or orphaned. Some of them have faced life situations that left them a little off-track. Our purpose at Hope Children's Home is to share Christ with the children and mold them into biblically educated members of our future society.
Children's Home Ministry
Lighthouse Baptist Ministries
Lighthouse Baptist Ministries helps with short-term missionary housing, long-term furlough housing, automotive care, medical needs network, and crating and shipping.
Missionary Helps Ministry